Sep 28, 2010

Getting organized is a gift to heirs

Our friends at the North Carolina Estate Planning Blog have brought to our attention a new service that cany help personal representatives and successor trustees track down a decedent's financial information. The service, called Knowtification, automatically generates inquiry letters to financial institutions to determine what assets, if any, the decedent had at that institution.

Of course, this service is not a substitute for good record-keeping! If you are planning your estate, one of the kindest things you can do for your heirs as well as the individual(s) who will be handling your estate is to get your financial information updated, keep it updated, and let key people know where it can be found. This will make life easier for those you leave behind, and can also save money that undoubtedly you'd prefer to go to your heirs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Knowtification Service has been written up in Investment News; the author calling advisers "heroes" for using it on behalf of their clients.

Glad to see that estate attorneys are catching on to the inherent benefit of such a powerful service.

Seems like a no-brainer to me, everyone should atleast know about this service.

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